Just after waking up and putting the kettle on for some tea, which was enjoyed as we stood out on the newly renovated and sunny deck, we drove across island to the golf course restaurant for a special brunch. Again, we faced a few moments of brisk wind on the patio in anticipation of catching the
morning sun as it came over head, and were also able to look out on the morning golfers in plaid dress shirts and khaki shorts, some who lost golf balls among the long grasses surrounding the pond. We sat above this pond, and it was while we waited for our food that I lent across the railing to watch the goldfish. We played
find the goldfish that we set free in this pond, looking for the biggest, most aggressive looking fish. Sadly, we didn't see him, but we have no doubt that
Mufasa would have been able to make a place for himself among the hierarchy of the pond, attacking other fish to get what he wanted as he did while living in our little fish tank.
I was lucky that the server was able to accommodate for me being gluten free, and I was able to order a version of Egg's Benedict without bread, which was instead served with two halves of a tomato. Sometimes it's difficult to eat out and only have one option, or in this case, none that were on the menu, however, I often find that when the chef (and servers) are willing to help you, you'll be served something delicious either way. But when in doubt, coffee is always, and naturally, gluten free!
I know it's been a while since my last post, and although I'd like to say I've been caught up in school and everything else, it has in fact just wound down - high school is done for me, my last year of dance on the island is also finished. The beginning of all these endings first started with last week's convocation ceremony, a long but traditional and necessary ceremony of all the graduates (almost 390 of us) in gowns and hats to be presented with our certificates and any scholarships. Following, the infamous grad sleep out before the last day of school (which I wouldn't be surprised most of us missed) right after a sequence of final exams. I thought that as soon as everything was finished, I would be right back to the kitchen with ideas for cooking, and for blogging as well. In all honesty, it took me the weekend to recover, from sleep, and to let the headaches that I only just began to get this year after any stressful periods, to pass. It also took the weekend for the realisation that I really am done; done high school and am ready to move onto the next stage of my life.
Summer is not the only thing that has just begun.

In the excitement of finally being the one that no longer had to go in for school or work, I've basked in the sun today, and ate delicious food.
All prepared by yours truly. With a plate of these freshly baked crackers, a bowl of smooth cottage cheese, and a pot of honey and blueberry chutney each, I sat out on the deck with the dog at my feet, her black hair heating up from the bright sun. I also brought out a book, and while reading and munching on a lunch for one, I sipped a bright and fresh summer drink. Music escaped from inside the house, and I was at once excited for the entire length of summer that is still to come. Bonfires on the beach, swimming back and forth from the dock to beach, lemonade stands that sell a refreshing glass for only 25 cents, or just tanning out on the front deck. It's just the sweetest time of year.
Poppy Seed Crackers {with Honey and Cottage Cheese Spread}
{Print me here}
These are a delicious option to make when your supplies of crackers have run out, or when looking for a healthy (dairy-free without the spread, and both grain and gluten free) snack. Made with whole and natural ingredients for a nutty and smooth taste, I'm in love with these crackers. Complemented by the cottage cheese spread with a bit of honey, I doubt these crackers will last long (although they can be stored in an airtight container for up to a week).
A perfect snack or appetiser, these poppy seed crackers can also be topped with any assortment of jams, spreads, or cheeses.
{Makes approximately 20 to 25 crackers, depending on size}
1 cup blanched almond flour
1/4 cup ground cashews
1 tablespoon poppy seeds
1 tablespoon grape seed oil
1 egg white, beaten
3/4 cup cottage cheese
1/4 cup honey
Preheat the oven to 350°F and line a square baking sheet with parchment paper.
In a medium bowl, combine the almond flour, ground cashews, poppy seeds, oil and beaten egg white. Transfer mixture to parchment lined baking sheet, and cover with another piece of parchment paper.
Using a rolling pin, roll out the mixture between the two pieces of paper until its approximately 1/8 inch thick. Uncover, and cut. (I used a pizza cutter for this step... And it was super easy!)
Bake for 12 - 14 minutes.
Meanwhile, pulse the cottage cheese in a food processor until smooth. When crackers are cooled and ready to serve, spread the smooth cottage cheese over top, and finish with a bit of honey.
Enjoy! Xx S.