Time really has flown. It seems that it was only yesterday that I arrived home, a little weary from travelling, but excited to be back and to spend a little time island living. It seems already that the end of August is close, most of my friends have had their last day of summer jobs, and it's only two weeks to go until the big day. Moving day.
Yesterday was both the garage sale and our going away party, which was organised by some very close friends of ours, so from the moment I stepped outside with a bowl of gluten free granola and berries for breakfast still in my pyjamas, there was sorting and selling to be done, and later lots more boxing of leftover items and finding the next step for them.
Among the mountain of things that have piled up over the years, we sold a few knick knacks to some curious onlookers, but mostly enjoyed cups of tea here and there as we sat in the sunny spots at the bottom of our stairs or chatted with people perusing the clothes racks or boxes of toys.
There's something about seeing all our old things going, some which we thought absolutely essential, or that once held meaning for us, that gives me the feeling that yes, there is a part of my life that is really is over. Suddenly, it feels as if I have finally passed over a line in the sand, and crossed a point where I can finally say that there is a past, and there is also a now, and there is no point in trying to blend the two, or always thinking back to what could have, or may have, been done. There are years during high school, and before, although I may have been too young and not yet influenced or changed by my environment and surrounding people, that I can close as if parts of an album, only events that are recalled upon as if passing through the pages of photos. Those years, with their many enlightening, tough, exciting, or silly moments, may have helped build the person I am today, but they do not define me.
As I put baby clothes and trinkets into cardboard boxes, closing them and labelling them before adding to the pile to keep, and sort through albums, old clothes and books to go, I felt a sense of cleansing, and with each box of toys from my childhood packed into the back room, or pile of painfully awkward old shoes sent to the garage sale pile, I felt as if that small part of my life, with any negative influence it may have, is flushed, and I keep only what I need, and only what I want.
This recipe, made from only natural ingredients for a completely raw, gluten free and vegan, "cheesecake", is exactly the kind of food fit for a cleanse, even if we are cleansing the clutter from living in this house, growing up, and spending many years here, rather than the typical cleanse. It was inspired by a delicious dessert my sister and I shared the last night I spent in Montréal, from a little vegan restaurant off of Rue Sherbrooke. Past the rows of jars filled with dried fruits, nuts, raw granola and dehydrated crackers for sale, dining tables were set up beside white brick walls and stained glass windows made from car headlights. It was the menu that we oohed and aahed at, with its delicious descriptions of new meals, a raw lasagna, gluten free and raw crepes or pad Thai, and after we were served and had eaten, couldn't resist the temptation of dessert.
Blown away by the flavour of the raw plates, both from dinner and dessert, I've given raw baking a try at home, and am again thrilled to find that the ease of blending a few ingredients together, such as cashews and dates, with other secret ingredients to give new flavours, can produce such delicious cookies, brownies, or even this "cheesecake."
Raw Blueberry Uncheesecake
Almost unbelievable that this dessert isn't made with any cream or cheese, and is in fact is completely raw! It still has a delicious creamy texture, and the rich taste of blueberries is a perfect complement to cashews. I guarantee you won't be feeling guilty after this indulgent dessert, as it is made from all natural, and healthy ingredients.
Smooth and sweet, its the perfect combination for a dessert to impress, or to enjoy after dinner.
{makes 4 individual uncheesecakes}
1/2 cup almonds
2 dates
1/4 cup shredded coconut
3/4 cup raw cashews
1/2 cup fresh or frozen blueberries
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 tablespoons raw coconut agave
1/4 cup almond milk
thawed blueberries
For the crust. In a blender or food processor, combine almonds, dates, and coconut, and blend until finely ground and the mixture starts to have a smooth consistency. Among four ramekins, spoon in the crust mixture and press down evenly along the bottom.
For the filling. Rinse the blender or food processor, then add cashews, blending until finely ground or almost powdery. Combine the blueberries, a teaspoon of vanilla, raw coconut agave, and almond milk, and blend until completely smooth and there are no whole blueberries or chunks of cashew nut left.
Pour the filling into each ramekin evenly, and set them in the freezer for about an hour to set. If making these a day ahead, they can be put straight into the fridge and kept there until serving, otherwise, place in the freezer for a faster set. Place in the fridge until ready to serve.
For the topping. Remove the frozen blueberries from the freezer and allow to thaw completely before layering on top of the uncheesecakes. Heating them up will also speed up this process, and release more of the blueberry juices.
Enjoy! xx S
Labels: almond, berries, blueberries, blueberry, cashew, cheesecake, coconut, dairy free, dessert, egg free, gluten free, Nuts, raw, vegan