I close my eyes, it's time to let the water take me where it wants to. A couple of deep breaths. I feel the fear rising up, but I try and forget about it against the pounding of my heart. Try to swallow, get it back down. How is it that I’m still afraid. With another, deeper breath, I can swallow again. And then I start thinking back to the moment when we first arrived here, the moving truck a moving target for watchful eyes in a small town, I can do this. It's only deep water around me, and a couple of eerie looking kelp. Nothing big, nothing scary. A seal over there who just wants to play. Paddle in, paddle out. Left side. Paddle in. Swish. Paddle out. And kayaking gets easier when you realise that although you can't see below you, are the smallest boat on the water, there isn't any real danger around. Like those first few moments when you arrive in a new place, it takes a couple of deep breaths, and maybe a little pep talk before you'll be on your way, navigating the rocks and finding new caves to explore. Moving to a new place is the same.
This house has become more and more a home, each room building in familiarity around us as pictures get placed perfectly and couch cushions softened with our favourite blankets thrown over and to our preferred seating arrangements. The dog lays curled up in the small space between the couch and coffee table, and curled up on the shape of a bean she finally falls fast asleep comforted by everyone's close porximity. I lean effortlessly back in the soft cushions of the couch, legs splayed out in front of me across the L-shaped end, and sometimes, our cat purrs gently on the back of the sofa too, sharing the moments of each evening when we're all together and awash in the brown and greens of the cozy living room with a little fire that hums with electricity.
As it becomes more familiar to return from our days to this house, the town still feels like somewhere we would visit while on holiday. Each store has the excitement of being new, and our coffee dates under Viennese-style arches could last forever. We haven't even made our way past the lattes on the drinks menu. Perhaps it would only take a few familiar faces while we poke in farmer's market stalls or throw a stick into the water for the dog during walks along the beach, and in seeing people we knew we would become a part of this community as well.
At the moment, each person we meet brings a little more insight into the town, and we see a little more of local culture as well as our own place as new residents. But today we had that sense of familiarity in returning to a farm which has already become our favourite. Out on the road the little stall boasted fresh produce on a sign written in white paint over a black chalkboard, and tucked away from the sun, were baskets of fresh figs, kale, chard, zucchini, garlic and tomatoes. From driving out to Otter Point, first along the western shore and then turning up and into forest and farms, it's always exciting to find so many different varieties of fruits and vegetables for sale, for such an affordable price.
I left with arms full. It's still so much fun for mum and I to explore all the nearby farms, and return home with plenty of local food in a quantity we never would have dreamed of living on Bowen. At least here, there's both the location, warm weather with plenty of wet patches, and the demand of local-minded businesses and customers. Even now, we've finished coffee at a local cafe where beans are being roasted onsite, and a cascade of the delicious smell swirls around the front seating area. It seems that half the town has come here for their morning pick-me-up, whether it be a delicious hot coffee, or alively conversation with friends, but then I remember this place isn't nearly as small as Bowen Island.
With lots of time for coffee dates, mum and I have been enjoying lattes in cozy corners of cafes, or out on the sunny front deck with a gluten free treat to share. It only occurred to me today that repeatedly drinking milk, along with yogourt in the morning, might be affecting my skin even more. And I thought that having gluten affect me was enough. But I thought I'd give it a try at least, I'm in this beautiful place and I can't think of anything else that could be causing it. We've all had plenty of fresh air, excercise, and sleep, as well as excitement with the new place, so I'm doubtful that I'm doing anything wrong. However, with a delicious bowl of homemade granola, I was reluctant to miss out on yogourt in my morning routine, but perhaps I've been going a little overkill, and it's now coming back to me.
At first I thought of struggling through labels and the endless options of alternative yogourt available in stores, but I don’t like many of the non-dairy alternatives as they’re filled with odd sweeteners, and just pronouncing some of them is hard enough! As well as additives which I would prefer to avoid altogether. Luckily, there is another way, a homemade recipe which only uses whole, natural ingredients, and in a few quick, easy steps, it's a delicious gluten free, vegan, and raw, alternative to yogourt. This baby is a yogourt, a snack, a breakfast, a perfect companion to your smoothies, and oh darling, it's as delicious as dessert!
Raw Creamy Cashew Yogourt
A simple recipe requiring only your blender to do most of the work! Blended cashews, almonds, and dates make this a creamy, delicious, and super healthy alternative to yogourt that has a smooth, nutty taste - almost hard to believe it isn't real cream! I like to top mine with fresh fruit, or some homemade granola for breakfast. It can also be used in smoothies, or be eaten by itself as the dates sweeten it naturally.
Get ready to feel energised!
{makes 4 - 5 cups}
1/2 cup raw cashews
1/2 cup raw almonds, using blanched almonds will give it a slightly smoother consistency
1 cup dates*
2 cups water
A pinch of cinnamon
*If dates are dried, they should be soaked with the cashews and almonds before blending
In a large bowl, combine cashews and almonds and cover with water. Let sit for at least 4 hours before draining and blending.
With almonds and cashews in a food processor, add in dates and process until finely ground and the mixture begins to form a paste. Slowly add in the water, processing with every addition. I added all the water in at the beginning, which caused my food processor to stress out and leak. To avoid this, blend it slowly! But I might also have a really old machine...
Finally with all the water blended, add in cinnamon, and process until complete creamy, about 10 minutes.
And you're done! Refrigerate in a sealed container until ready to serve.
Enjoy! xx S
Labels: almonds, breakfast, cashews, dairy free, dates, dessert, gluten free, Nuts, raw, smoothies, snack, vegan, yogourt